BCwineshop specializes in working with premium BC wineries based on quality, authenticity and region.
We provide relationship and position driven sales with a focus on premium wine stores & restaurants.
Specializing in small-production, premium, boutique wines. We are passionate about the wine we sell and the style it is presented. Our perspective on wine is both global and regional, promoting true wine
appreciation on all levels.
Portfolio Manager / Proprietor - Gerrit Van Staalduinen Gerrit@bcwineshop.com
Regional Manager / Operations Manager - Olivia Cyca Olivia@bcwineshop.com
Okanagan Sales Associate - Desmond Moore Des@bcwineshop.com
Lower Mainland Sales Associate - Ashley Leach Ashley@bcwineshop.com
Greater Vancouver/Richmond Sales Associate Mark Prescott Mark@bcwineshop.com
Whistler, North & West Van Sales - Jared Curnew Jaredcurnew@hotmail.com
Vancouver Island Sales - Caroline Gertzen Caroline@cdwinesales.com
Office Manager / Orderdesk - Debbie Oviatt orders@bcwineshop.com 1.250.493.9412 or 1.866.826.WINE (9463)
Orderdesk Monday - Friday: 9am - 4pm